
This day will be very useful for you and your staying in dormitories, because you can look forward to event called SECOND HAND.
Students from previous semesters left some helpful things for you, which they couldn't or didn't want to take with them to their homes and so you won't have to buy it (means more money for traveling, experiences and parties ;-) )!

1. Second hand starts at 19:00 not earlier.
2. Those who won the City Tour take priority - they are first!. (they can take 2 things per person maximum in the first round)
3. Then all of you can come and take whatever you want
4. Who has no manners and is agressive to the others can be kicked out.

MEETING || 7PM (19:00) at common room K1 || 9/9
DON'T FORGET || Good manners

RESPONSIBLE PERSONS || Maria Luk'yanova & Eva Vapaus

13/02/2018 - 19:00 to 22:00

Dormitory K1 || 9/9 common room